
Still In My Old School

OK, you guys who have read the post about me trying to get in my new high school well i didn't get in. And luckily my old school also have the high school. So I am going to stay in my old school. But besides that there are some bad sides. You see 9 of my old friends are moving. And only 11 people stay including me. But my 7th grade class will have 26 student. So in total 15 new kids are coming. And another thing is that this would be my junior year. Meaning there is a high chance for me to be pushed around by the upper grades. Besides that I'm trying to concentrate with the good sides. I'm going to be in building 2. meaning I'm going to be separated with the annoying 5th grader witch would be 6th graders later this year. And in building 2 I'll be meeting interesting students that I already know and also some more fun teachers. I would also be able to touch, use and enjoy the band instruments they have in building 2. The also have a recording studio at building 2. WOW! And I'm sooooo glad to be leaving building 1. Although it's a bigger building but more annoying people are in there. So maybe it's not a very bad thing moving to the second building...

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