
Playing Devil May Cry 4

Man that song is cool! (If you don't know what I'm talking about... look at the post below). I got a PS3 while on my Lebaran holiday (I'll tell you about my Lebaran Holiday on my next post). I'm so happy to get a PS3. Since I'm not going anywhere and I'll be so bored. Any way this blog is about Devil May Cry 4. That game is one of my favorite game for PS3. Why? Because I love a great RPG game. And the graphics are just awesome. But the real reason I love this game is because it's intense. You can die a lot in this game. The game's whole story has change. We now play as Nero the new character instead of Dante the original devil hunter. Don't worry we'll also play as Dante in the second part of the game. You'll love playing as nero. He has a devil arm that is a power full attack. And instead having 2 guns Nero will have a double barreled gun.

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