
My Christmas Performance! would be the crappiest ever

YEA! Christmas holiday's are coming! I'm soooooo happy. Well not entirely. I still have to pass 1 more obstacle. And that is my school's crappy Christmas Performance. I actually like last year's better. Anyway This year's Christmas Performance would be the time that Jesus was born on a modern setting. OK ummm picture this: a time when Jesus is born in Bethlehem and the world already has a TV, Reporters and all the other things we have in our time. And because I'm gonna be one of the casts I can tell you how it's gonna be. So first 2 studio reporters say's good evening (I'm gonna be one of em). Then the tell about their top story. It's about a Census (what ever that is...). Then they connect with a feild reporter and 3 sheperds. The feild reporter and the sheperds see an angel telling them about Jesus. Then we connect with another field reporter that is talking with Joseph and Marry. Then we connect again with another field reporter talking to The 3 Wise Man. They all see the new baby laying in the manger and then done. Lemme ask you how simple is that? And how crappy is it because it is presented ina modern setting. huuuuu.......... I somtimes don't get my school.

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