
Playing Counter Strike With Adrian And David

One of my hobbies is playing Counter Strike. I love to play that game alone. But I love it more when I play it with my friends. My 2 friends that I love to play Counter Strike with is David And Adrian. Compared to me they are really good at playing the game. We play this game every Wednesday at 3 o'cl0ck sharp. That is the time when we play games in our after school IT lesson. But scince there is only 2 teams and 3 of us we now use friendly fire so that we can attack our team mates. And it's fun when you play "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF". We started that kind of game recently. We also made: champion of the week. So the last man standing at 3:30 will be the champion of the week.


Bentara budaya Jakarta

On the 1st of August 2008 grade 6 students and grade 7 students went on a field trip to Budaya Bentara Jakarta. We left from school around 8 o’clock. On our way there we I listened to my iPod touch. I also played with David, Kenneth, Adrian and Keyzar. I sat next to our new friend Hanock.
When we got there we went straight to a big room with a stage in front. We sat down on the carpet and listened to stories. 4 stories actually. The first story is called: The rich man that seeks a daughter in-law. The story starts when a rich man is thinking about getting a wife for his son. So the rich man sent the son to find a smart girl to be his wife. The rich man said: ask this question to any girl you find: If you have a long fish, how can it give you food for all eternity. And finally the son found a girl that answered: I’ll cut it to many cuts then give it to my neighbors. Than if I keep giving food to my neighbors they will also give my family food in return.

The next story is about some fish and a shrimp. This story tells us why shrimp has a bent body. It’s because the shrimp was careless and was cooked while he was cooking. This story was told by a group of puppet players from Solo.
After that story there was a story about a man that got a holy book with magical powers. That man used the powers to take over a whole kingdom. He over throne the old king of that kingdom and he became king. He made the old king his servant and became a cruel king. The cruel king wanted to take over more kingdoms. But he lost in the battle and became a servant to the new king.

The last story was about a festival in the Philippines. The whole story was about a man that was a country hero. He got sick after he got back from his journeys. The people prepared for the worst. But the hero was healed all of a sudden. He said a child disturbed him in his sleep. That’s how the festival began.

Then we did activates. Me and a few of my friends: David, Adrian, Harvi, Andrew, and Hanock made an illustration. We heard another story from mister . Then we started drawing. After we finished drawing, we ate lunch. Some of us bought food there and some of us ate our lunch. We also played a little bit before we get back.